Write it down

So a lot has happened in my life this week . I’ve signed the lease my new premises, handed in my notice at work & finalised my team for the salon . I found myself wondering after all these years of dreaming how is it all finally happening ?

I’ll tell you how . I wrote it down ...

Almost twelve months to the day my best friend bought me a journal. I got into bed that night and wrote out word for word my dream life . Every month I wrote down 3 big goals to be achieved & every morning I wrote down 3 small goals for that day.

It might be as simple as “send that email “ or “make that phone call” but once it was written down it almost always got done .

One of my goals today was actually to write this blog, so there you have it!

There’s no big secret to achieving your dreams . Just write that shit down.

Anna x




Ask & you shall receive